Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Because snowmobiles float. ... apparently

I've noticed that people up here are really into their winter sports. When I tell them I've never been skiing, they are surprised. When I tell them that I can't ice skate, they tend to look at me like I'm crazy.

In fact, some people up here seem to be so enamored of their winter sports, they have found ways to enjoy them during the summer, too. And I'm not talking about people on cool-looking cross-country practice skis. I've seen that, and it frankly looks bad-ass. I wish I was that hard core.

But no. We're not talking about being prepared and toned for winter sports. We're talking inventing entirely new sports, with which to enjoy winter sporting equipment.

To that end, someone discovered that snowmobiles float. On non-frozen water. And then one of the towns up here decided to host a "Snowmobile Regatta." Because it's just not enough to play with snowmobiles six months of the year.

And these guys - and one lone woman - who do this are so much cooler than I could ever hope to be. True, I did not talk to any of them. But they were ripped. And well over 30. Which is impressive.

I discovered this was happening and of course had to see it to believe it. The beach - which is little more than a sandy strip along a river - was packed with spectators. Including several of my friends and neighbors. It was quite the event.

It's also relatively simple - two or three guys on snowmobiles drive up to the edge of the water. Before the heat starts, they have to pause to get all the sand out from the bottom of the snowmobile. Then they floor it and have to do a few laps around some buoys. The trick is that if they go too fast, too slow, or raise their front ends too high, they sink. And when they sink, they have to be rescued by a pimped-out pontoon boat thing with a crane attached. I guess they cover the engines with rubber or somehow seal them to keep water from getting inside and destroying the engine.

But when they do sink, the drivers sink with them, and just hang out until the boat comes to rescue them. It's so the crane guys can find the snowmobile, which is obviously not down too deep, but you couldn't see it, resting on the bottom. It's very similar to Mario Kart for N-64 - when you drive off the course and you have nothing to do but wait until the little dude in the cart picks you up.

It was an all-day event with concessions and other stuff to buy. I didn't stay the whole day, but once again, I found myself cheering the racers on and groaning - and laughing - when they sank, just like everyone else. It's hilarious, and it just sucks you in. Fantastic. I sincerely hope that there was an award ceremony at the end of it.

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