On a very rainy and foggy day, "my two moms," my friend Kaitlyn and I ventured up to Ottawa, Canada's capital and home to the nearest cool malls - an hour and a half away. Anyway, this is a collection of pictures I took. They're a little blurry, but we'll pretend it's artsy. This is one of the Parliament buildings. Their clock tower is not as impressive as the one that houses Big Ben.

This is just a very cool, very ornate lamp-post. I was a big fan. You can't see a lot of the detail, but trust me, it was beautiful.

The architecture of Canada's
Parliament is very clearly modeled off Britain's, except Canada's is a collection of three buildings. I have no idea what they each house, but I guess maybe each chamber has it's own building and then the judiciary? Dunno. Guess I'll have to take the tour someday.

The back of the main building. Kinda reminded me of Notre Dame, with the rounded shape and flying buttresses. Unlike Notre Dame, these buttresses are just there to be pretty. It's construction was apparently concurrent with the American Civil War.

This is not actually Parliament - it's just a view of an awesomely-lit building looking out from the fence around the Parliament complex. I have no idea what this building actually is. As Ottowa is home to some really cool museums, it may be one of those. It's also home to some really boring museums - those pertaining to world currencies - who wants to look at money rather than spend it? - and agriculture - ew, I see enough cows, thanks.
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