Hooray - who knew buying snow tires could be exciting? Usually, I hate spending money on my car. It's one of those things, like dish soap and toilet paper, that should never run out or demand attention.
But up here, snow tires are definitely necessary. I've been on borrowed time for a while and the resulting excitement from driving on snowy roads is completely unnecessary in my life. *Note: the above picture is just the result of a Google image search.
So yay snow tires.
But yay even more for the guy - Art - who got them for me. Art owns a used car lot and garage in the village and he's really a nice guy.
When I told him I needed the tires, he promised me that he'd order them and call me back when he knew when they would be in so he could put them on. He gave me the impression that he'd order them that minute and call me back that afternoon. Well, he didn't. Nor did he call the next day. I thought something must have come up and he forgot. On my day off that week, I was going to call him and see what was going on.
That day, I was getting out of the shower at the crack of noon when my intercom went off. It was Art, who had just popped by to tell me that my tires were ordered and would be in later that week. He remembered where I lived from a conversation months ago, after I moved in. He'd written down my cell number wrong - he said he got some number in Texas - and came by to tell me the ETA of my tires.
Granted, his business is only about a half a mile from my apartment, but what mechanic would do that south of the Adirondacks? It was so sweet of him - just made my day.
Things like that almost make up for how bloody cold it is up here.
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